Medieval London

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St. Etheldreda’s Chapel is a one-story Gothic-style Catholic church located in the private road of Ely Place in London. This is the East Window of the church.

Here is a photo of St Helen's Bishopsgate as it appears in 2015. The two churches continue to rest alongside each other. The building is largely constructed of reigate stone, and the depressed arches of the windows emphasize the building's Gothic…

On this map of the east side of medieval London in 1270, St Helen’s Bishopsgate is located between Cornhulle and the City Wall.

St. Etheldreda’s Chapel is a one-story Gothic-style Catholic church located in the private road of Ely Place in London. The church was built c.a. 1290 CE as a chapel part of a larger estate belonging to the Bishops of Ely just outside the city…

This is the tomb that was created for John Gower. John Gower not only was married in St. Mary Overie priory, but he also lived in it as well. Although not in the original spot that it was during the middle ages, this is the authentic tomb that was…

This is Southwark Cathedral from the outside as it looks in present day. Although this is not all the original gothic architecture, it is a renovation in the gothic architectural style that was used in medieval times. However, aspects inside the…

Circled in red is Southwark Cathedral (St Mary Overie) as where it was located c. 1300. Currently, Southwark Cathedral is in the same location.

This shows the remnants of the medieval priory. Here, the Norman architecture is noticeable by how the arches are more rounded at the top. It is made up of ragstone rubble. These are present in the back right portion of the cathedral, near the south…

Final Charterhouse Location.jpg
A map marking the location of the Carthusian monastery at Charterhouse in 1520. This provides a visual understanding of how Charterhouse's location tied in perfectly with its mission. Laying just outside of Cripplegate in the open moor fields to the…

Charterhouse Cell B.jpg
This is the surviving door way to Cell B, the second of the twenty-five cells built around the Great Cloister by Henry Yevele. Construction on Cell B began on May 12, 1371. The carved stone doorway, food port, and original fourteenth century Flemish…
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