Medieval London

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  • Tags: Monastery

1520 map.jpeg
This is a map of Clerkenwell Priory in 1520. The priory is circled in red.

This image is of the crypt, located underneath the church. It is one of London's few remaining Norman structures.

This is St John's Gate that was located at the monastery. It went through several owners after Henry VIII's Dissolution.

Final Charterhouse Location.jpg
A map marking the location of the Carthusian monastery at Charterhouse in 1520. This provides a visual understanding of how Charterhouse's location tied in perfectly with its mission. Laying just outside of Cripplegate in the open moor fields to the…

Charterhouse Cell B.jpg
This is the surviving door way to Cell B, the second of the twenty-five cells built around the Great Cloister by Henry Yevele. Construction on Cell B began on May 12, 1371. The carved stone doorway, food port, and original fourteenth century Flemish…

Charterhouse Gate & Wall.jpg
This photo captures the original fourteenth century wall at the center of the frame and monastic gate at the far left. The wall was constructed out of flint and part of its eastern front was knocked down to make room for the Tudor era mansion's…

The Restored Ludgate Blackfriars Friary, built in 1672

This image displays a labeled map of the Ludgate Blackfriars, along with several other surrounding establishments.
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