This is the surviving door way to Cell B, the second of the twenty-five cells built around the Great Cloister by Henry Yevele. Construction on Cell B began on May 12, 1371. The carved stone doorway, food port, and original fourteenth century Flemish…
A map with a red star indicating the location of All Hallows Church, Lombard Street - where the set of cuenca seca tiles were found. It is at the intersection of Lombard and Gracechurch Street in the City of London, north of the present-day Monument…
Emperor Charles V's pavilion at the Alcazar Gardens in Sevile, Spain. A demonstration of the beauty of cuenca seca tiles and their popularity among the elite.
The set ofcuenca secafloor tiles recovered from All Hallows Church, Lombard Street are displayed in the Medieval Gallery of the Museum of London. They are situated in a display highlighting the aretfacts of London's fine material culture in the Late…