Medieval London

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This image depicts the infamous Tyburn Tree, location of mass executions in the Tudor age. Convicted criminals could be hung from any of the three sides of the triangular structure, allowing multiple hangings simultaneously.

On f. 18v (not pictured) it reads: "A verry tratoroos Worke pretended to bee the answers to Peyres Plowman to the prynted interrogatores of alleageaunce. Butt in treuthe a Waye to instruct papists how to answer tratorooslye & defende the trators for…

rocque tyburn EDITED.jpg
This map, charted in 1746 as part of a larger map containing London, Westminster, and Southwark, marks the location of Tyburn gallows. The site is marked with a red dot at the top left corner of the map, at the edge of Hyde Park. Because it is…

This is a photo of the stone which marks the approximate location of Tyburn Tree. It is located on a traffic island at the junction of Bayswater and Edgeware Roads.
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