Medieval London

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Detail of three queens wearing crowns work with textiles, simulating what would happen in a tailor’s workshop. The first queen stands and spins wool. The middle queen is seated at a loom weaving. The third queen, also seated, embroiders a piece of…

Located at 2 C2 on the 1520 map of London, Gray's Inn can be seen clearly in the district of Holborn.

The renovated barracks of Gray's Inn seen from the courtyard. The statue is of Sir Francis Bacon, a well known Englishman and Bencher.

Lincoln's Inn Map.jpg
This is the 1520 Medieval London map. Starred in red is the location of Lincoln's Inn in 1422.

This is a picture of the opening brick archway of Lincoln's Inn.

This is a view of Lincoln's Inn Chapel located on the far right and some Old Hall buildings surrounding it.
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