Medieval London

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  • Collection: Cistern

Map of London c1300.pdf
Fig. 4 - Map of the city of London around the year 1300, with a marker to show where the cistern was found in Bell Alley, Holborn.

Ceramic Cistern.jpg
Fig 1. Coarse Border ware bunghole jug with a thumbed, slightly convex base, simple red paint decoration and green glaze on the upper body. The strap handle has incised and stabbed decoration

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Fig 2. a monk-cellarer tasting wine from a barrel whilst filling a jug. From British Library, Sloane 2435, f.44v.

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Fig 3. Detail of a man using a jug to pour a drink into a drinking horn. From British Library, Cotton MS Julius A VI f. 4v.

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Fig. 5, Pottery face-jug; Kingston-type Ware; miniature anthropomorphic jug; green glaze; bearded face on neck; body has arms with hands touching beard; rod handle
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