Medieval London

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An excavation site map detailing the locations of the recovered stove tiles from St. Mary Graces

This sketch illustrates the layout of St. Giles' Cripplegate from 1400 to modern day. Parts of the church, and their centuries of construction, are presented above. With an aerial perspective, additions to the church over time are visible.

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Reconstruction of what the market arcade and granary probably looked like in the middle ages.

A layout of the original Ludgate Blackfriars, before the dissolution in 1538.

This plan was drawn in 1617, apparently from material dated seventy years older. In architectural detail, it depicts the gardens in the northeast corner, as well as the plan of the Newgate and Shambles market.

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This sketch illustrates the layout of St. Bride's Church from the saxon and medieval periods. The perspective is aerial, and shows the extensions that were added to the church over time with dotted lines and arrows.
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