Medieval London

Browse Items (4 total)

  • Collection: Pin

Bust Woman.png
Profile of a 15th century woman with a hairpin in the back of her head (Victoria & Albert Museum Collections, Medieval & Renaissance, Room 64, The Wolfson Gallery, case EXP, shelf above, dated 1500).

A woman.png
A 15th century townswoman with headgear held in place by pins (Robert Campin's A Woman, in the National Gallery, NG653.2, Room 63, dated 1430).

Court of Love.png
Detail of Lady Jeunesse presenting the author to Lord Bel Accueil and Lady Plaisance and their court. A pin is located on Lady Plaisance’s dress by her shoulder. (British Library Royal MS. 16 F.ii, f. 1r, dated 1483).

Bone Pin.jpg
A straight bone pin from the 15th century with a head in the form of a diamond knop and no flanges (grooves), probably used to fasten clothing (Museum of London Collections, ID 16993, dated 15th century).
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