Medieval London

Browse Items (4 total)

  • Collection: Pin

Bone Pin.jpg
A straight bone pin from the 15th century with a head in the form of a diamond knop and no flanges (grooves), probably used to fasten clothing (Museum of London Collections, ID 16993, dated 15th century).

Court of Love.png
Detail of Lady Jeunesse presenting the author to Lord Bel Accueil and Lady Plaisance and their court. A pin is located on Lady Plaisance’s dress by her shoulder. (British Library Royal MS. 16 F.ii, f. 1r, dated 1483).

A woman.png
A 15th century townswoman with headgear held in place by pins (Robert Campin's A Woman, in the National Gallery, NG653.2, Room 63, dated 1430).

Bust Woman.png
Profile of a 15th century woman with a hairpin in the back of her head (Victoria & Albert Museum Collections, Medieval & Renaissance, Room 64, The Wolfson Gallery, case EXP, shelf above, dated 1500).
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