Browse Items (2 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: Quill Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Pen (Bone Pen) This is a curved pen made out of bone (most likely goose). It dates to a period between the thirteenth and fifteenth century. It lacks a split nib, which is common in dip pens and quills. It is 121 mm long and nine mm wide. Tags: Illumination, Ink, Literacy, Pen, Quill, Scribes, Writing, Writing Materials Dip pen and quill set Three medieval pens: one is a straight wooden dip pen with a split nib, and there are two quills that also contain metal nibs. Tags: Dip Pen, Medieval, Pens, Quill, Quills, Writing implements, Writing Tools, Writings Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2