This picture comes from the manuscripts of the British Library. It is a miniature portraying singing monks at the beginning of the “Office of the Dead.” The celebrant in the miniature, wearing the black robe, is wearing spectacles very similar to the…
This picture comes from the manuscripts of the British Library. It is a detailed miniature depicting Mark the evangelist using spectacles to read a book. The spectacles Mark has in the picture are ones that need to be held to use. The miniature is of…
This is a detail from the illuminated manuscript of The Benediction of St Aethelwold, written by Godeman for St Aethelwold, Bishop of Winchester. The scene depicts St Elizabeth on a couch with the infant John the Baptist behind her in a crib. Beneath…
This manuscript dates between 1482 and 1485 and made out of parchment codex. The central scene is of Entellus and Dares wrestling in the nude; however, in the background, are large vessels weighing anchor. This manuscript is depicting “London Games…
This particular scene depicts a good samaritan leading an injured traveler to the door of an inn, with the innkeeper seen on the right. Although this is not the Staple Inn, it represents an inn used for housing travelers. This was the primary…
Thirteenth-century detailed drawing of the City of London, as a part of the itinerary to Jerusalem. You can see the Wall in the foreground of the picture.
Thirteenth-century French manuscript illumination from a psalter depicting a reliquary procession. Processions like these were often performed in medieval European towns and villages on the feast days of the saints whose relics were contained in the…
This sixteenth-century manuscript illumination depicts a Polish bishop wearing a chest cross that appears similar to a reliquary pendant. Reliquary pendants were often worn by prominent members of the clergy to indicate their high status and…
Detail from an illuminated manuscript that shows a man using a spade. St John's College, Cambridge, MS K.30 f.2r, showing the labor for the Month of March.
The picture shows Cain striking his brother Abel in the head with a spade, and killing him. The Morgan Library, Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux, MS M.730 fol. 11r (after 1246).